Restorative Poster
I was very happy to get to contribute to this beautiful poster project. Check out ALL THE FREE RESTORATIVE POSTERS and read more about he project!
"All of us cause harm and we all experience harm at some point in our lives. In our punitive culture, the solutions offered often rely on the criminal legal system to evaluate and adjudicate harms. Yet many harms are not crimes and many crimes are not necessarily harmful. But we know that harm demands a response.
How might we more readily account for and respond to harms in our communities? Perhaps we can begin by asking some restorative questions. Asking restorative questions offers a path that can encourage new ways of addressing harms.
Inspired by a set of restorative questions, a group of (mostly Chicago-based) artists created beautiful posters. The posters are now available for free downloading on this site. The goal of this project, spearheaded by Project NIA, is to widely disseminate the art so that more people might ask new and different questions when harms are done in their communities."