A Constellation of Imaginations
Much of my creative play explores the multitude of visible and invisible ways we are interconnected with each other and our broader eco/social systems, our imaginations included! I wanted to make this page out of a desire to celebrate just some of the beings who shape my mind and imagination and to acknowledge and give thanks to my many teachers. I have a firm belief that all our imaginations are connected and feed each other, challenge us and move us forward. Like the way that rain seeps into and nourishes soft soil, my work is a reflection of my broader community as much as it is my own wanderings. I know that when we muster the courage to share our creations, ideas, songs, dances, hopes for this world, we encounter points of unity in each other. We create culture. We shift thought and value. We weave new webs for what is possible in this world. To that end, a deep thank you to the teachers listed here! Thank you to my many friends who support me and fill my life with love. Thank you to the many unnamed beings who have also nourished me and nourish our world!
Foundational Teachers
Joanna Macey- “If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear." We live in both a time of great havoc and great creation. Ever since encountering Joanna’s teachings around the “Great Unraveling” and the “Great Turning” I have found this framework at the heart of my worldview and furthermore, my creative mischief.
Robin Wall Kimmerer - I, like so many others, experience affirming delight in the writing of Dr. Kimmerer! Her focus on reciprocal relationships ground me in my relationality to my human and broader ecological community.
adrienne marie brown- I sometimes see adrienne as somewhat of a “social movements tracker”, able to follow the footprints and the invisible threads that lead us to the heart of our collective movements and our longings. I feel so much YES! when I read her work or listen to her speak. I very much enjoy adreinne’s fictional work and feel as though Emergent Strategy has been a major framework for my imagination!
Marieme Kaba- Prison Industrial Complex Abolition is our future. I believe this with my whole being.
Kelly Hayes- “The most important thing we can do is to do good and know that the good we do matters.” Author, organizer, writer, and educator
Hafiz- At a point in my life when I was turning away from my spiritual upbringings in the Roman Catholic Church and feeling lost and uncertain about what to hold onto and what to let go of in this cosmology, Hafiz’s book The Gift was offered to me and what a gift it was. Hafiz’s poetry opened me to a world of an expansive ecstatic “god”, and helped me reframe my religion out of the confines of the church toward a mystic world
Black Raspberry- We are all beings in a generous world. We are called to embody cultures of abundance, pleasure, treats and deliciousness! In 2011 I was gifted a few black raspberry plants from some friends in my neighborhood. They had too much! A year or two later, I was greeted with my first memorable experience of having too much goodness. We had so many berries! Since then I look forward every year to our black raspberry harvest and the opportunity to celebrate and relish in the generosity of this friend.